I’m endlessly fascinated by the many expressions of Pluto’s move into Capricorn, the latest being an over-the-hill dog winning “Best in Show” at Westminster. Capricorn is the sign of the elder. Clearly among Pluto’s many Capricorn agendas is a stunning new empowerment of elders. (See also Suzanne Somers on Oprah declaring that at 62 she’s living her best life yet!) As for the dog, “Stump” retired in 2004 after a serious illness, yet last week his owners decided to enter the ten-year-old (that’s 70 in human years) into the prestigious competition. Pluto said “Yes!” and the crowd whooped with joy as Stump ran his victory lap around the ring. Who says old dogs can’t perform new tricks? That means for you and me now: No excuses.
Hello Dana,
I am reading “Nexus” a book about diverse characters meeting at a spiritual retreat. A white haired 60 yr old woman was described as elderly. I took umbrage. At 60, I am learning to sit on my horse when he crow hops, deal with my own anger, teach small children with or without autism, Aspergers, some in need of a parental transplant, to read..to count…to live more calmly, less in crisis…(we teach what we need to learn).
I am an Elder, as is joyful, playful, blind, deaf 13 yr old Persephone, Lab/German Shepherd cross.
Seeing eye person and much more, but not elderly.
PS My crow hopping horse is 20 yrs old…
Loved that picture of falling oak leafs under a blue sky… love your site
Love it!!!! Brilliant as always. Stumpy is more than a crowd pleaser, he is an outstanding example of the breed, and a real clown. I never met a Sussex I didn’t love.
Dana! Your blog is brilliant! Each and every post draws me in and awakens my curiosity to read more, know more, understand more. Thank you!