In my first five years as an astrologer, I hadn’t seen enough people or charts to know much. When it came to current influences, I relied heavily on two simple factors. I talked with clients about the two areas of life—or houses—where lucky Jupiter and hard-working Saturn were transiting in their charts.
Both planets have been closely watched by astrologers for millennia. Together they answer the top question of kings and regular people, which is: “How do I get ahead in today’s world?” Jupiter and Saturn are the “social planets”—meaning, their main concern is your success in the society of humankind.
Their positions in your natal chart show where they’ll lift you up (Jupiter) and toughen you up (Saturn)—and where eventually, you may become their agent, benefiting others. By transit, as they revolve around your chart, they send the challenges and gifts that can best guide your growth each year.
The Jupiter/Saturn conversations I had with my early clients were always meaningful. Who doesn’t want to know where the gods are ready to improve your standing in the world?!
This year—they’re in the same sign—Aquarius—which means they’re probably transiting the same house of your chart. This brings a unique opportunity to work with these archetypes in an especially powerful way. When conjunct in a natal chart, Jupiter and Saturn have been called the “millionaire’s aspect,” because they blend the key qualities necessary for big success. With Jupiter, you feel lucky, so you dare to dream big. With Saturn, you’re willing to work hard. You can be ruthless in the pursuit of your dreams.
But in practice, it’s rarely smooth between these two. Their different approaches don’t blend well automatically. Often they work against each other. Jupiter can inspire procrastination and irresponsibility. Saturn can be just plain gloomy; nothing is ever good enough, so why bother.
Archetypes always have two sides. That’s the benefit of knowing astrology. When you’re experiencing a planet’s lousy side, you can use your awareness to better direct its expression. Typically it’s Saturn who’s the problem. He likes to dominate and spoil Jupiter’s optimism. Working through fear, he plays up our insecurities. Which is why Jupiter is considered in “detriment” when he’s in Capricorn, Saturn’s steelier sign.
But Saturn rules Aquarius too. I’ve noticed that he’s a different fellow in this sign. He’s much more energized about Jupiter concerns like progress and the future. Aquarius is naturally compatible with Sagittarius, a Jupiter ruled-sign. In other words:-it’s easier this year to put these two to work on the same dreams. But you have to find them first.
Locate their influence: the inward journey
The obvious approach is to find the house in your chart that holds 8 to 15 degrees Aquarius, which is where Saturn (currently at 8 Aquarius) and Jupiter (currently at 15 Aquarius) are transiting. (Click here for a Quick Guide to the Houses; click here to calculate your chart.)
But I suggest, don’t spoil the game so quickly. Don’t start with the typical mental analysis. Any meaningful encounter with the planets always happens first inside you. This is the view of both ancient astrologers and modern Jungians. The gods are energies. They represent qualities and processes that operate in both the inner and outer worlds. The chart merely confirms what’s already present.
When you find the planets inwardly first—then thinking about the house becomes even more interesting. This sequence invites the possibility of being surprised, which Jung suggested was always the feature of a meaningful archetypal encounter.
Approach with prayer
Encountering actual archetypes requires a more sacred kind of thinking. To do that, it helps to start the conversation with a prayer or ritual, performed in a serious, yet personally comfortable way.
One of the delights of 2020 for me was hearing from so many students and readers that the gods responded—often quickly—to the rituals I shared on Mooncircles last year. This is so because the gods aren’t distant. They’re always just a thought away. When you start thinking of them with a prayer, you awaken your own receptivity. You dissolve the veils of mundane reality over your own eyes. So of course the archetypes appear!
Here’s a Jupiter/Saturn ritual my colleague, Jacquie Donahue, and I came up with for the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction last December. It can easily be used by you now.
Jupiter—majestic lord of thunder, perspective, and prosperity. Remover of obstacles, teacher of mystics, lover of truth.
Saturn—observant god of focus, work, and destiny. Overseer of death, boundaries, shadows, and success.
Zeus and Kronos! Together you expand and contract the universe. Together you begin and end all the cycles. On earth you dispense hardships and boons, tough love and wisdom. Together you create this globe of wonder: a hard reality infused with spirit and light.
I now open the gates of my being. May the pulse of your intelligence pass through me into this world. As one age ends and a new one begins, I offer you, the Lords of Time, the best of me. May I play my role in the new world that’s now being born.
Dear Saturn, dear Jupiter, I vow to celebrate and share the wisdom you’ve sent me through tough challenges and the teachings of masters. I vow to let your shining lights be my constant mentor and guide. I vow always to listen for your divinity—enter into it—and allow it to enter me.
So be it. It is done!
Then, pay attention!
Most of my students know exactly when they’ve had a celestial encounter. It’s a moment that’s in some way unusual. Beyond the typical flow. It might have been the appearance of something odd, like a snake in the middle of the road. Or a Ganesha statue falling off the shelf for no reason. Or suddenly a song comes on the radio and sends chills up the spine.
Whatever the celestial gesture, the part of you that understands this as a divine message is not your head. This subtle knowing happens below the neck, in your body, which is resonating with the energy.
After my Solstice Jupiter/Saturn ritual, I was suddenly possessed with the stamina and drive to clean, clear, and organize all the cluttered spaces of my house and garage. I watched Marie Kondo’s fabulous Netflix series on the spiritual art of clearing space. I learned how to fold socks properly. I bought lazy Susans for the bottles on my kitchen counter. I threw away lots of junk and clutter.
It didn’t stop there. I organized my computer files. Then I went through my new 2021 calendar and re-organized my monthly schedule—which, just like my new kitchen counters and closets, made such sense, I wondered why I’d never done this before. New energy moved around the house and inside me too. It was a wonderful transformation.
During those three weeks, I received three messages, each with the fingerprints of Jupiter and Saturn. The first was, “Organize now for future productivity.” The second was “Make space for future creativity.” And the third was “Structure your time efficiently–so it protects the inner temple and invites deep and easy creativity.”
THEN I thought about where Jupiter and Saturn were in my chart. Their conjunction at zero degrees was at the tail end of my 4th house, which is home space. Shortly after, both planets entered my 5th house, which is the house of creativity. Can you see their clever design?
What have these two planets done for you?
Attune yourself to Jupiter and Saturn
Passions that seem to spring out of nowhere are often gods-sent. Besides the cleaning, I found myself powerfully drawn to reading a thousand-year-old spiritual text. This was another unexpected collaboration between tradition- and lineage-minded Saturn and the spiritual flights of Jupiter.
To feel for their presence inside, Jupiter is a more buoyant energy, while Saturn is solid, heavy. Jupiter lifts and Saturn pressures or drives. Here are few more clues.
Jupiter | Saturn |
Expansive and free | Grounded in reality |
Wide open, spacious | Focused, constricted |
Wings; taking flight | Ladders; going up, step by step |
Faith and optimism | Fear and caution |
Adventurous; willing to leap into the unknown | Organized; willing to make a plan and stick to it |
Looks forward to the future | Is established in the past |
Spiritual masters | Master builders |
Alchemy | History |
Abundance | Scarcity |
Gamblers | Beggars. penny-pinchers, billionaires |
Libraries, temples, universities | Government buildings, corporate offices & cubicles, cemeteries |
Hot air balloons; parachutes | Stone; lead |
Extravagant, opinionated | Stern, judgmental |
Santa Claus | The Grim Reaper |
Hasty, impatient, reckless | Thorough |
Says, “Dare to begin!” | Says, “Shut up and start!” |
More on Mooncircles:
Newly updated! 2021’s Impossible Dream Challenge: Make Saturn & Uranus Work for You!
The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction still mingles inside you
2020’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction: 5 Takeaways
At Mooncircles, we honor both the inner and outer solar systems. Each is a perfect way to explore the other. Now is an excellent time to feed your soul the sky stories in your chart for 2021.
Order Steven Forrest’s Skylog report. If you’re within three months of your birthday (before or after), Mary Shea’s Solar Return report is a delightful way to complete the picture.
If you’d like to become more adept at reading archetypes, check out my monthly moon workshop here.
Definitely a Saturn thing going on for me at the moment. It’s now in Pisces? Want to ponder what that can offer or what I can do to appreciate it most.
Loving it! Brilliant! Right on! Thank you!!!! and Lightning!!!
An excellent article, full of good insight and a great way to better understand what is going on at any given time. Thank you.