Sacred Sensing in Goddess Pose plus Standing Balance options
A Full Moon in Libra asks for beauty hunting, for letting the wind take you on a little dance, for pleasant time gathering with friends or like-minded others, and for standing up for justice, truth and sacred knowing. It is our second Full Moon in Libra this month. With Sun in Aries, we revisit the polarity of Fire and Air. We can again sense our heads/eyes/faces in connection to our kidneys and lower back.
It’s a great time to practice the wide squat that is commonly known as Goddess Pose in many western yoga styles.
Step your feet wide apart and bend your knees to where you are comfortable and able to feel your own beautiful power. In my case, I laced up my metallic/sparkly sneakers and took it outside!
You might bring your hands together and press your thumb knuckles against your forehead while taking some intentional deep breaths. Or place your hands over your eyes and listen to what you know and honor to be sacred, true, and beautiful in you and your community around you.
After some moments in this shape, perhaps you’ll want to ground into one foot and lift off into a standing balance.
You can take Tree pose, or simply hold your knee up and out to the side while the other hand goes to the back of the head. Take a beat to engage this side yourself and see what comes. Then stomp the foot that was up in the air…back to the ground for more moments in Goddess squat before shifting to the other side for more standing balance.
Eventually, end up back in the wide leg squat. Sway and dance and feel how this Full Moon can lead you into the harmony in this moment.
yes, awakening
Love this and You devi
Wauw!! What a beautiful dance of inner and outer, grounding and balance! Will definitely give it a try***