You were born when the Moon was New. Everybody is unique—but you’re exceptionally so. You belong to the Moon’s tribe of adventurers, explorers and visionaries.
Your project this lifetime is to create the one spot in the world where you belong, which is likely a place where nobody has ever stood before. I love the resumes of my New Moon clients—they’re long and at first glance haphazard, cutting a wild path through many seemingly disconnected pursuits. That’s because for all New Moon babies, the ideal job description is written from the inside out: by following your instincts, by exploring your passions, by not always knowing where you’re headed, and of course, by making your own mistakes.
But with each experience you add something new to your toolkit. Your friends may secretly envy your daring; they’ve no doubt watched you stumble a few times too. Yet one thing is certain: for you, every step forward needs to be the one that you want to take. Trust your spontaneity and new enthusiasms, even if this sometimes leads you astray. The only way you can really know whether something is right for you is by trying it out. Failed experiments can bring great learning to those with New Moon eyes.
A good way to keep your view fresh is by using the days of the New Moon each month to revive yourself. The quality of this period is like an energetic nectar whose formula—encoded by the Sun and Moon in your birth chart—is especially designed to renew your spirit. You can absorb a little of its blessings through the atmosphere, but you can increase your nourishment if you pay attention.
Spend time with this Moon. Learn when and where it appears. Pick a quiet moment each month to sit and breathe with it. Let your breath slow, lengthen, and deepen, as your energetic field gently grows bigger and more diffuse. This is how your receptivity unfurls and your spirit begins to drink in the New Moon phase. The less you think about it, the more this rejuvenating nectar soaks in.
The play of light and dark on the face of the Moon is a “secret” teaching—meaning, most people don’t bother to notice or ponder it. But the next time you sit with your natal phase, observe how much of the Moon is lit and how much is dark. The light symbolizes awareness—conscious intelligence (or the “masculine” mind). The dark symbolizes instinct and unconsciousness (or the intuitive “feminine” mind).
Now that you know which is who, you can see how the play of reflected sunlight on your birth Moon may also hint at the ideal flow between your own conscious and subconscious minds. It’s a picture of the sacred contract between your left and right brains. That the New Moon is mostly dark is further instruction that it’s optimum for you to let your instincts lead. You may sense things in your body first, before your conscious mind—represented by that thin sliver of light—gets the vision.
The broad dark of your birth phase confirms that you can draw from a vast field of hidden potentials. Don’t be surprised if others don’t always see what you see. Each month, as the three to four days of the New Moon unfolds, notice how the light is growing. That’s your path forward too: growing from instinct to greater awareness.
The monthly dates for your birth Moon phase each are available in my Moon Workshop and Moonprints report—where you can also learn about your “progressed” Moon phase. Many astrologers believe your progressed phase is one of the most important factors for assessing your current potentials. I agree!
Copyright 2021 Dana Gerhardt
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