Below is an excerpt from the findings of my Venus research (more info about that here):
The perfect lover would know I like being surprised with change. –SW
My relationships have been scattered, skipping from one person to another, not developing roots with many people. .. not the best strategy, though there was a period when I was dating two or three different men in one week. I felt very happy—free, able to enjoy different things, exploratory, mature, like it was all one great adventure. –DL
It’s a problem that I can’t really like just one person. Right now I love someone I haven’t seen in two years and yet I live with someone else who I also love. It is so difficult… I hope I can work on this. –VG
It’s true, Gemini is a restless sign. It finds it hard to settle down. But your Venus is one of my favorite placements for the Goddess. If I were to award my own set of exaltations and rulership, I would give special status to Venus in Gemini… because she’s got an ability to do the one thing most of the other signs had difficulty with: flirting! The reason Gemini Venus can flirt so easily is because of her great curiosity. That’s the secret to successful flirting: Just be genuinely interested in the other person. And that’s easy for Gemini!
Before my research project, I thought, along with many astrologers that Venus in Libra was the best flirt. But I discovered that she was often too sensitive to rejection to flirt. I had to learn that flirting is not just batting your eyelashes and having confidence in being girly. A good flirt has the gift of putting others at ease. She (or he) makes them feel special, bright, and interesting!
As one of your Venus sisters made clear, Venus in Gemini is a Geisha and a Courtesan: Not only is she skilled in love-making, she’s educated. She’s capable of stimulating conversation, knowledgeable about politics, history, and the arts … she’s a delicate creature who rules the world—because she shapes the minds of the men who come to her–to breathe in what a true female partner can be. She especially loves to meet her intellectual match.
Venus in Gemini has superb skills. She is the ultimate courtesan. One of your Venus sisters instinctively understood this when she identified her role models:
I find inspiration for my feminine expression in the Hetaeras of Greece, the Courtesans of France, the Geishas of Japan. Gatherings at their salons attracted the most educated and powerful. They lived at the cultural center of their times, inspiring poets and writers, offering not only their beauty and skill at love-making, but the special pleasure of intelligent discussion, knowledge of arts, history, politics, music and dancing. Talented, hard-working, delicate creatures, they ruled the world more perhaps than even they understood. They shaped the minds of the men who came to them, hoping to inhale the essence of a true female partner.
Some books say that your Venus is too much in her head to be erotic. This can happen, but it’s not universal. As one Venus-in-Gemini said “I’m totally the receiver in bed, because that’s how I turn my mind off.”
The worst and most annoying criticism of Venus in Gemini is that she’s superficial. Try this brief experiment… if you have a bare arm, run your fingers very lightly on your skin… then run your fingers in the air just above your skin. Can you feel the depth and intensity of what’s on the surface? Is this “superficial”?
The raw energies inside your Gemini Venus
When astrology was a sacred practice, it was understood that life itself, our very bodies, were infused with the divine. The first astrologers knew the Gods as the powerful, vibrant and creative play of emotions running through their world. The gods appeared as sandstorms, thunder claps, bird song, floods, abundant harvests, calamities, shouts of sorrow and joy.
Gods are immortal which means we can still find them as the ancients did. Astrology can help. Signs point us to the raw energies that define each sign–the underlying element and mode. The element describes the dominant energy your Venus likes to run. This is her fuel. The mode describes her preferred speed. Together they suggest the sensory coordinates to use when dialing in your Venus.
Gemini is an air sign. Air is light, fresh, alive, in motion. Use your imagination to make these sensations more vivid. Imagination is the control panel that takes us into the invisible world. Think of a rain forest, teeming with activity, ripe with odors, its green forest leaves busily returning oxygen to the air. Think of blood circulating through your veins, air moving in and out of your lungs, sound and scents traveling on the wind. Following are things that air planets might say:
I’m a people person. I like to socialize.
I see things from all sides.
My mind is acrobatic.
I like to be liked.
I enjoy hanging out in my head–which is often too busy to meditate.
Sometimes I’m scattered, distracted, indecisive.
I love restaurants and coffee shops–the buzz of chattering people invigorates me.
I can go into denial around feelings–mine or another’s.
I’m restless.
This is the rhythm section–the bass line in your Venus song. Mutable signs are bright, upbeat, changeable, illuminating. Think of a juggler deftly balancing balls in the air. Mutables are curious and quick to shift gears. They love to learn. Can you sense how lively your mutable Venus is? Find her in the dance of your lively, curious mind.
Maybe this, maybe that. Yes I will, no I won’t. I’m flexible.
I can be versatile, sympathetic, and subtle .. also deceptive and crafty.
I pull what’s disparate together.
I seek truth, light, clarity.
There’s no problem that learning something new can’t fix.
I teeter back and forth–gathering information before I commit. Unless life forces my move–I can adjust quickly then.
You can learn even more about your Gemini Goddess in my Venus Unleashed report! Available here.
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