Below is an excerpt from the findings of my Venus research (more info about that here):
I decide fast what clothes/shoes I want in a shop. I’m very fast at deciding whether I like a guy or not and if I do, the next second I think of sex. If he’s perfect for me it means he would give me exactly what I need/want and maybe more, like make me discover new things about my body. –CG
What puts me in a Venusian mood? A soft flowing negligee with slits up the side… or on the flip side, a good pillow fight and a wrestling match. –JG
When women say ‘goddess’ I imagine a frivolous, gaudy creature and I don’t like the idea at all. When I imagine a goddess myself, I see a fierce, demanding, clear-headed woman who could easily command others. There is tremendous force within her. –ED
Your Aries Venus erupts inside as the desire to experience and embody the passionate qualities of the Divine Feminine. Passion is not merely sexual. You might feel passionate about your work, about the beauty of the day. Passion runs through your system whenever you feel feel energized and alive.
The influence of Mars
Mars rules this Venus, which is why, according to traditional astrology, she’s in her detriment in Aries. At the least, it presents a paradox, when the Warrior guides the Lover. Assertive, reactive Mars knows little about the peaceful, receptive qualities expected of Venus by our culture.
However, when she was worshiped as the powerful Ishtar four thousand years ago, Venus wore two faces: she was the Goddess of Love as the Evening Star and the Goddess of War as the Morning Star. In her warrior guise, she took the first Emperor–Sargon the Great–to victory many times. Around the world in myths of many cultures, the planet Venus was seen as being both masculine and feminine.
That’s the contradiction you’re harmonizing if your Venus is in this sign. Maybe you like a challenge. Maybe you like to play hard to get. Is there a part of you that loves an adrenaline rush? A surprise in my research was finding your Venus prone to compulsive behaviors we don’t usually associate with Aries… compulsive spending, shopping, eating, looking for that thrill.
Excitement junkie?
Several of my Venus-in-Aries respondents gave me vivid descriptions of spectacular desserts.
For food I like anything creamy/dreamy—strawberry shortcake with cream, fettuccine. I love chocolate. I gained 30 pounds when my boyfriend and I weren’t having sex. –RI
Studies on pleasure have found that eating typically produces the most dramatic spikes in pleasure in any day, although, alas, they’re short-lived. Food can do it, sex can do it, a physical challenge can do it. Investigate. How does your Venus in Aries like to satisfy her need for spikes of pleasure? Is there something you do that regularly gives her thrills? And if this doesn’t happen, does your Mars energy start to feel frustrated? Where does he seek action?
I have been prone to retreat when interest doesn’t immediately match my own. I have grown bored rather too easily and sought entertainment elsewhere. I had an S&M period that was psyche-opening and fun (though obsessive). –MR
The books typically say that Venus in Aries can’t sustain relationships long term… but I didn’t necessarily see that pattern. One of my Venus-in-Aries respondents was in a 14-year marriage, although she was miserable, as she had no idea how to fulfill her Venus needs for passion and excitement.
When the Venus in Aries people described their image of a goddess, often the woman they envisioned was in a warrior stance, athletically strong and fierce.
The raw energies inside your Aries Venus
When astrology was a sacred practice, it was understood that life itself, our very bodies, were infused with the divine. The first astrologers knew the Gods as the powerful, vibrant and creative play of emotions running through their world. The gods appeared as sandstorms, thunder claps, bird song, floods, abundant harvests, calamities, shouts of sorrow, and joy.
Gods are immortal which means we can still find them as the ancients did. Astrology can help. Signs point us to the raw energies that define each sign–the underlying element and mode. Her element is her fuel–it describes the dominant energy your Venus likes to run. The mode describes her preferred speed. Together they suggest the sensory coordinates to use when dialing in your Venus.
Aries is a fire sign. Fire is wild, energetic, illuminating, radiant, hot. Go there–use your imagination to make these sensations more vivid. Imagination is the control panel that takes us into the invisible world. Think of a campfire. Wild flames dancing. Feel their warmth. Sense their love of freedom. Hear their passion. Bring your hands closer. Feel the heat. The burning joy. Can you sense the fire in the following thoughts, which are typical of planets in fire signs?
I like to be adventurous.
I like feeling energized.
It feels right to have faith in myself.
I like to commit quickly. I can burn out quickly too.
Earth smothers me. I hate routine and practicality.
Air–the brilliant gust of a good idea–can keep me radiant and inspired.
I like to be the hero. I’ll run you down if you’re in my way.
I’d rather hang out with positive, uplifting people like me.
I don’t know why, but some people think I’m selfish, insensitive and lacking self control.
This is the rhythm section–the bass line in your Venus song. With cardinal signs, the tempo is bright, like snapping fingers. Aries is active, ready, on the move, maybe searching for something. It likes to begin quickly and finish fast. Find your Venus in energy that’s bright and quick within.
I’m ambitious and enterprising.
I’m fearless and competitive.
I may do too much too soon, and escape things before they’re really over.
Give me a crisis—anything—something! I hate being bored
It’s not that I like to argue—I just enjoy being right.
I create rules and I break rules–I don’t particularly follow them.
I’m great in emergencies.
I want what I want when I want it.
You can learn even more about your Aries Goddess in my Venus Unleashed report! Available here.
This was the best description of Aries Venus I have ever read, and it’s the first time I’ve ever related to mine.
Great reading ✨
that was an amazing read. resonated with me. thank you.